It can be quite time consuming reading through applications, CVs, applying for references or evening knowing where to begin. Using an agency helps to take the pressure away and can provide you with final applicants that have had a thorough interview. All applicants would have applied for an up to date Enhanced DBS, as well as having their driving licence and references checked.
Chelsea has registered many nannies and may already know who your perfect candidate is! Instead of sending all CV’s that apply for your role, applicants are narrowed down to ensure they are well suited and fit your criteria. A list of suitable interview questions will be shared with you, to help you during this process.
Nannies can be employed to work part time or full time, working up to 12 hours a day. Nannies or Housekeepers can be a huge support for you, from cooking homemade meals, completing general children’s duties such as washing, cleaning and tidying, providing and teaching educational activities in your home, visiting new and exciting places and meeting other families.
Not all employers require a nanny with qualifications, some may require a junior nanny. Junior nannies can be provided with a Nanny Support Package which includes simple recipes and a four week menu plan, local places to visit near your home, worksheets for outings with the children and general guidance on law etc. regarding their role.
Fee’s can be found on the alternate page
If you require a babysitter, all applicants would have an Enhanced DBS on the update service, references checked and up to date CV’s. Babysitter rates vary from £12 -£16 per hour. Please contact Chelsea for more information.